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MD Consulting

Are you in the unproductive busy trap?

When we do not rest it is often because we feel judgment and comparison. I work with so many clients who before working with me, never added in any self care for themselves! The more we realise that it is ok to feel the struggle and that there is no shame in allowing your body to rest, we can then really be our true selves. It is all about being honest. We realise the pressures that keep us contstantly doing is stopping us from actually BEING.

You do not need to earn someone else's value on you down to how big your task list is!

Learning to love ourselves – all the lovely and comfortable bits and also the tired unhealed parts of yourself is exactly what you owe to yourself. It is ok to rest…you deserve it. You have to be true to yourself in order to flourish in any area of your life!

We are told right from being at school to work hard and meet targets in exams…unfortunately, there is not enough of the opposite and that is also learning how to rest. Even as adults, many of us just do not know how to rest! It goes hand in hand! Anxiety and stress are all linked to not allowing ourselves to be.

So my question to you is, when you are immersed in any task, are you truly present in that task or are you thinking ahead at all the other tasks? If the answer is yes then you are in what we call the ‘busy trap’. You have to ask yourself, why are you never present in the actual task? Why are you always rushing? Is there something deeper you need to listen to here? For many, they rush around for success and this can be down to low self esteem as they feel that if they are constantly doing then it means they are in a constant flow of the image or ‘success’.

The task list will still be there even if you take an hour of self care just for you….making time for you is a must! Show yourself some compassion…after all, you are your own best friend!

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